
Ophthalmic surgery

Catalogue Number: 498
Ophthalmic surgery
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: CARTER Robert Brudenell B, FROST William Adams
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1889
Time Period: 19th C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London
Publisher/Manufacturer: Cassell and Company Ltd
Description Of Item: Original blue cloth cover, 556 pages and 8 advertisement pages illustrated with a chromograph and 91 engravings
Historical Significance: This book covers covers eye examination, eye anatomy and physiology, affectations of the eyelids, lacrymal apparatus, and conjunctiva, the cornea, diseases of the iris, glaucoma, colour vision and its defects, eye injuries, errors of refraction, and much more. With its appendices it is a source of the state of knowledge and practice of ophthalmology near the end of the 19thC. The chronograph at page 362 is a primitive representation of the colour confusions experienced by colour defective persons. Robert Carter (1828-1918) also wrote 'Eyesight: good and bad' (1880), 'On defects of vision which are remediable by optical appliances' (1877), 'Hints on the diagnosis of eye disease' 1865) and 'Doctors and their Work; or, Medicine, quackery, and disease' (1903). The picture is a portrait of Carter by 'Stuff' (Henry Wright) painted in 1892 and published in Vanity Fair. It is held in the National Portrait Galley London. William Frost (1853-1935) was a British ophthalmic surgeon who published an atlas 'Fundus Oculi 'in 1896 which was highly regarded and a small handbook on ophthalmology in 1887. He designed an ophthalmoscope more complicated than Morton's. See his obituary Br J Ophthalmol. 1935 December; 19(12): 696.2-699.
Condition: Poor
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note

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