
Physiology of the eye: clinical application

Catalogue Number: 502
Physiology of the eye: clinical application
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: ADLER Frances H
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1959
Edition: 3rd Edition
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: St Louis
Publisher/Manufacturer: CV Mosby Co
Description Of Item: 790 pages, 372 illustrations, 2 in colour
Historical Significance: This book was first published in 1950 and ran to 9 editions, the last in 1992. From the 5th edition it was titled Adler's physiology of the eye and Adler was joined by Robert Moses for three editions and William Hart for two. It was a standard text for optometry and ophthalmology students for many years, although its bias to ophthalmological interest and its superficiality in some aspects made it less suitable for optometry. Adler was born 1895 in Philadephia, studied medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and embarked on a career of physiology and ophthalmology. He was Professor of Ophthalmology at the University of Pennsylvania from 1936 to 1960. He was Editor of the AMA Arch Ophthalmol from 1950 to 1960. He has some 42 papers to his credit on PubMed but few of these are research publications. He was more a clinician and a distiller of information than a researcher. He was much honoured in his profession and received the Proctor medal in 1968, See Invest Ophthal 1968; 7: at URLhttp://www.iovs.org/cgi/reprint/7/1/2.pdf for more details of his career. The Proctor Medal is awarded by the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology to honor outstanding research of senior scientists in the basic or clinical sciences as applied to ophthalmology.
How Acquired: Donated by John Nathan, honorary life member of the College
Date Acquired: 2006
Condition: Fine
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books of historical note

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