
Vereinfactes grosses Ophthalmoskop nach Prof Gullstrand

Catalogue Number: 871
Vereinfactes grosses Ophthalmoskop nach Prof Gullstrand
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Product catalogue
Corporation: Carl Zeiss Jena
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c 1938
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Germany
Publisher/Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss Jena
Description Of Item: 12 page stapled leaflet with 16 black and white illustrations describing a table top indirect ophthalmoscope designed by Gullstrand and made by Carl Zeiss of Jena, Germany. In German
Historical Significance: Allvar Gullstrand (1862 - 1930) was a Swedish ophthalmologist. He was professor (1894-1927) successively of eye therapy and of optics at the University of Uppsala. He applied the methods of physical mathematics to the study of optical images and of the refraction of light in the eye. For this work he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1911. Gullstrand is noted also for his research on astigmatism and for improving the ophthalmoscope and corrective lenses for use after removal of a cataract from the eye. See a biography at http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/1911/gullstrand-bio.html
How Acquired: Donated by Wolf Gartner, member of the College, who was given it by the family of Ernst Goetz
Date Acquired: 21 July 2008
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 1

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