
ORB First 489 Applications for Registration

Catalogue Number: 889
ORB First 489 Applications for Registration
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Optometry Registration Board papers
Government body: Opticians Registration Board
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1935 (?)
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Publisher/Manufacturer: Opticians Registration Board
Description Of Item: Manila folder with tab carrying the word 'REGISTRATIONS' in green ink and the handwritten words 'O.R.B. First 487 Applic for Regis' in red ink containing a bundle of fooscap size pages affixed by a split pin in one corner. The pages have a typewritten Table with the columns headed NAME, ADDRESS, SOLELY PARTLY OPTOMETRY, QUALIFICATIONS A (being the place and length of time in practice as an optometrist) and B (being a formal qualification). DECISION OF THE BOARD and NOTES. The pages are annotated with handwriten marks and comments in red ink and pencil. The first page is probably missing since the top page begins will applicant No 9. The top page is torn in half (now repaired)
Historical Significance: This folder is from papers of Bertram Nathan, the first Chairman of the Opticians Registration Board that were donated by his son, John Nathan. It is a summary of the first persons to apply for Registration as an optician (optometrist) in Victoria after the Opticians Registration Act was first enacted in 1935 and a record of the Boards decisions about those applicants. Many of the applicants were also pharmacists and some were also jewellers or watchmakers. Optometry was often practised then in combination with the businesses of watchmaker, jeweller or pharmacist.
How Acquired: Donated by John Nathan, honorary life member of the College
Condition: Fair. First page missing, top page torn in half
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 1

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