
A Bill to provide Registration of Opticians in the State of Victoria and the Opticians Act 1930 of NSW and the Opticians Act 1917 of Queensland

Catalogue Number: 894
A Bill to provide Registration of Opticians in the State of Victoria and the Opticians Act 1930 of NSW and the Opticians Act 1917 of Queensland
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Optometry Registration Board papers
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1935 to 1953
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Description Of Item: Manila folder with tab labelled BOARD and the words 'Bertram Nathan's papers' containing the Bill for the registration of opticians in Victoria read before the Legislative Assembly 18 September 1935. There are two copies of this Bill, one with annotations and with pasted on amendments. In addition the folder contains: (1) the Opticians Act of NSW 1930 as amended 1931 and 1937 with Regulations to that Act; (2) the Queensland Opticians Act of Queensland 1917 with amendments of later years and extracts from the Queensland Government Gazette; (3) a letter from the Registrar of the Victorian Opticians Board dated 26 August 1953 seeking to initiate discussions on reciprocal recognition of optometrists between States
Historical Significance: These papers relate to obtaining registration of optometrists in Australia in the 1930s
How Acquired: Donated by John Nathan, Honorary Life member of the College
Condition: Fair
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 1

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