
Collection of reports of the Victorian Optical Association (including clinic and library reports)

Catalogue Number: 940
Collection of reports of the Victorian Optical Association (including clinic and library reports)
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Optometry Association papers, reports
Institution: Victorian Optical Association
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1935 - 1938
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Publisher/Manufacturer: Victorian Optical Assocation
Description Of Item: Collection of 7 reports typewritten on quarto paper except (3) on half quarto: (1) 24th Presidental report 1935 31-5-1935 3pp; (2) VOA Report for July 1935 2pp; (3) Victorian Optical Association Clinic Report 1936-37 3pp; (4) Secretary's report 5th July 1937 3 pp; (5) Letter from the Victorian Optical Association dated 23rd May 1938 to the Registrar of the Opticians Registration Board signed by HJ Latimer 4 pp; (6) The 27th Annual Report of the VOA 1938 3 pp; (7) Annual Report of the VOA 1940 3 pp plus the Education Committee Report 1940 and the Librarian's report 1939
Historical Significance: (1) This reports inter alia on the fight to get legislation for the registration of optometrists, the installation of a second test room in the clinic, the 'College' as the committee of the VOA running the FVOA course and a Congress. (2) This is largely formalities but notes the forthcoming visit of Mr Gray of the NSW Eye Sight Conservation Council on 11th July (1935). Gray became the Secretary of the Australian College of Optometry in 1940. (3) Reports the clinic was founded on 31 April 1924 in the City Newsboys Society Building Little Collins Street when 6 clinics a year were held, moved to its present location (177 Collins St ?) in 1933 with '4 clinics a month instead of 2', (FVOA?) students attend for 6 months in their third year and 12 months in their 4th. 425 patients were examined (some several times) and 600 glasses prescribed in the 13 years of the clinic. Plan is for a Refraction Hospital with 4 or 5 test rooms. Report is by RGM Hogan FVOA; (5) Expresses VOA support for an optometry course at the University, offers to hand over its clinic and its FVOA 'College' and opposes the proposition that the optometry course be in a technical college. This is a forerunner of the establishment of the Australian College of Optometry; (7) Records the founding of the Australian College of Optometry in 1940 and expresses sadness that the VOA must now relinquish its role in education. There are also matters that relate to the 1939-1945 war (Absentee members scheme, embargo on imported goods).
Condition: Fair
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 2

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