Catalogue Number: 979
Approved draft of the Memorandum of Association of the Australasian Optometrical Association
Category: Papers
Sub-Category: Constitution, legal document
Association: Australasian Optometrical Association
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1919
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Publisher/Manufacturer: Chas Read Public accountant
Description Of Item: Six foolscap sized pages of carbon copy typescript bound with green tape into a folded manila cover, with pencil annotation 'Victoria draft'. On page 2 and the last page it is signed by JK Cumberland and ? Nott. ? Stevenson is also a signatory on the last page.
Historical Significance: This is a document most likely prepared for the Victorian Optical Association after the first national conference in Melnourne in 1918 at which it was agreed to form a national optometry association. It was prepared so the national association could be incorporated, but there was no agreement on incorporation because the new AOA would have to have been incorporated in one State, there being no Federal company law. The Association was not incorporated until the 1960s. Instead the national body operated as an unincorporated body operating under an agreement and a constitution. See cat No 977, See Wright S History of Australian Optometry. Chapter 11.
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 2