
Shooting spectacles

Catalogue Number: 1020
Shooting spectacles
Category: Spectacles and lenses
Sub-Category: Spectacles, shooting
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: c1900
Time Period: 19th C
Description Of Item: Shooting spectacles in blued steel oval eye frame. Black velvet padded bridge. One eye fitted with occluder with rotating disc with 4 different sized pinholes. Other eye unglazed. Straight sides hinged 3 cm from front (missing original gauze side-shields). W: 12.0 cm x D: 3.2 cm
Historical Significance: See another example of shooting spectacles cat No 948
How Acquired: Donated by Mrs E Beveridge per David Balon, optometrist, Burnie, Tasmania
Date Acquired: March 1974
Condition: Poor; frame badly corroded
Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 2

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