
Brain and mind; or, the nervous system of man

Catalogue Number: 1079
Brain and mind; or, the nervous system of man
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Significant book (Aitken collection)
Author: BERRY Richard James Arthur
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1928
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: New York
Publisher/Manufacturer: The MacMillan Company
Description Of Item: Original green cloth covers, 608 pages, 130 illustrations. Signature of Howard S Bell on front paste down. Howard S Bell was a leader in Victorian optometry, especially in promoting education standards, in the first half of the 20thC.
Historical Significance: BERRY, RICHARD JAMES ARTHUR (1867-1962) was professor of anatomy at the University of Melbourne 1905 to 1929 and Dean of Medicine 1925-29. He was born in Lancashire, England, the son of a coal merchant. He was apprenticed to a firm of shipbrokers in Liverpool but later decided to study medicine at the University of Edinburgh graduating in 1891. Before Berry left Edinburgh for Melbourne he had published books on surface and regional anatomy, the latter being the basis for his locally published Practical Anatomy (1914), which remained the text for Melbourne students for some 25 years. He received the Melbourne MD in 1906. He revolutionized the teaching of anatomy in Melbourne. Berry's early published work was on topographical anatomy and physical anthropology and later on the brain, both normal and mentally defective. His work on physical anthropology was published in the Transactions of the Royal Society of Victoria in two large volumes: on the Tasmanian crania (1909) and on the Australian crania (1914). In 1911 he published A Clinical Atlas of Sectional and Topographical Anatomy, which remains an outstanding authority. Brain and Mind appeared in New York in 1928, followed next year by his excellent report on mental deficiency in Victoria. See biographies at http://www.adb.online.anu.edu.au/biogs/A070279b.htm and http://www.jnmhugateways.unimelb.edu.au/umfm/biogs/FM00008b.htm
How Acquired: Ex Nathan Library
Condition: Good
Location: Nathan Library. Aitken collection

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