
Trial frame, fixed interpupillary distance

Catalogue Number: 1119
Trial frame, fixed interpupillary distance
Category: Equipment
Sub-Category: Trial Frame
Time Period: 1900 to 1939
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: London, UK
Publisher/Manufacturer: Weiss (John Weiss & Son)
Description Of Item: Trial frame with fixed inter-pupillary distance. Partially rotating cells (broken). Blued steel skull temples. Axis notation has zero at vertical position extending to 90 degrees horizontally, both nasally & temporally in each eye. Imprinted: WEISS. W: 12.3 cm x D: 5.1 cm
Historical Significance: `
How Acquired: Donated by Graham Sheil, European Eyewear
Condition: Very good
Location: Archive Office. Spectacles cabinet Drawer 5

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