
Final (4th Year) Victorian Students 1983 (Part)

Catalogue Number: 1279
Final (4th Year) Victorian Students 1983 (Part)
Category: Photographs
Sub-Category: Photograph People and events
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1983
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Description Of Item: Black and white photograph 158 x 145 mm of 12 final year students 1983 (part of the year of 21 students)
Historical Significance: Photograph includes John Anastasiou, Mario Delconte, Rachel Denham, Lino Diguglielmo, Gary Fitzpatrick, Ian Fong, Malcolm Gin, Anne Greeves, David Hare, Michael Harrold, Robert Holloway and Jolanta Karpinski. John Anastasiou who changed his name to John Sideov pursued an academic career after obtaining a Masters degree at Melbourne University and a PhD at the University of Houston. He became head of the Departrment of Optometry and Ophthamic Dispensing at the Anglia Ruskin University in the UK.
How Acquired: Record of VCO
Condition: Good
Location: Archive office. South wall. Cube 5 Album 2

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