
Alan Johnston low contrast visiual acuity chart

Catalogue Number: 1394
Alan Johnston low contrast visiual acuity chart
Category: Equipment
Sub-Category: Visual Acuity, Contrast sensitivity tests
Designer/inventor: JOHNSTON Alan
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: Undated
Time Period: 21st C
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Geelong
Publisher/Manufacturer: Alan Johnston
Description Of Item: A4 size white card printed on both sides. On one side is a Bailey Lovie LogMAR word reading chart in 100% contrast and on the reverse the same chart printed with 10% black ink aproximating 10% contrast. The size of each size line is notated in N Points, 40cm LogMAR and Snellen notation. Instructions for use and interpretation are printed on the right of the chart on both sides. The chart is identified as being the product of Alan Johnston Vision Consulting 87 Barrabool Road Highton Victoria 3126 Australia
Historical Significance: Alan Johnston graduated in optometry at the University of Melbourne in 1963. He went into private practice but returned to do a Masters degree and then a PhD degree. He was a research fellow funded by the Australian Road research Board in Professor Cole's ergonomics laboratory while enrolled as a PhD student. He was appointed lecturer in the Department of Optometry in 1974 and well regarded as a clinical teacher and an expert in low vision. He served as Clinic administrator for some years and as Associate Dean Research in the Faculty of Science. His clinical and research expertise was in low vision. He became an Associate Professor and resigned in 2000 to enter private practice in Highton Geelong.
How Acquired: Donated by Barry Cole
Date Acquired: Jan 2010
Condition: Good. Slight finger grime along bottom edge
Location: Archive office. Pamphlet and ephemera filing cabinet. Drawer 3

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