
Study of motor vehicle signal systems. Final report for the Department of Transport Commonwealth of Australia. Project 73/844

Catalogue Number: 1430
Study of motor vehicle signal systems. Final report for the Department of Transport Commonwealth of Australia. Project 73/844
Category: Book
Sub-Category: Book of historical note
Author: COLE Barry L, DAIN Stephen J with FISHER Alex J
Year Of Publication/Manufacture: 1977
Time Period: 1940 to 1999
Place Of Publication/Manufacture: Melbourne
Description Of Item: Yellow light card covers, 6 chapters and 7 appendices covering objectives of the study, vehicle communication needs, survey of current regulations and practices, improvements to the system, specification of intensities of vehicle signal lights and the system as a whole.
Historical Significance: The College had established a reputation for its work on transport visual ergonomics through research projects funded by the Australian Road Research Board and the Department of Civil Aviation. This project was commissioned and funded by the Commonwealth Department of Transport. It arose because motor vehicles were now required to conform to 'Design Rules' directed to reducing the risk of crashes and reducing post-crash consquences. Barry Cole was the principal investigator. Stephen Dain, a UK optometrist with a PhD from City University was the research fellow on the project. Alec Fischer was a colleague from the University of NSW who had previously collaborated with Professor Cole on road traffic signal light specifications. Stephen Dain (Pictured c 1970 with Steven Jenkins) took up permanent residence in Australia and subsequently pursued an academic career in the University of NSW, where he became professor and served as Head of the School fo Optometry for a number of years.
How Acquired: Donated by Barry L Cole
Date Acquired: Feb 2009
Condition: Good. Front cover torn on bottom edge
Location: Archive room. East wall. Books by Australian authors

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